Thursday 27 October 2011

World War I

World War I also known as "The Great War" lasted 4 years, from 1914 to 1918. A total of around 11 million people died, and many cities were destroyed. This was a war that caused more destruction and conflict than anyone could have imagined resulting in its referral as ‘The Great War’.
In 1871, Germany invaded France and was granted a good portion of French territory. France, to prevent another invasion, made an alliance with Russia and Britain and became known as the ‘Triple Entente’. If France were to be attacked by Germany again, Russia would declare war on Germany immediately and aid France. Nervous from being surrounded by enemies, Germany made an agreement with Austria-Hungary and Italy, forming the ‘Triple Alliance’, also known as the Central Powers.

On June 28th 1914, Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated in Sarajevo, Bosnia. The killer was Gavrilo Princip, a Serbian terrorist. This assassination was viewed by Austria-Hungary as a direct challenge from Serbia to their position as a ruler of Bosnia, and their standing as a Great Power. Germany planned to attack France by going through Belgium; however the French met the Germans before they could take any steps further, this war tore on for 4 years on the Western Front, something nobody would have expected. This sparked the beginning of World War I.


  1. Hey guys! Nice background, it relates to the topic. The information is also very detailed. Keep up the good work.

  2. A very well written first post. You did well to provide the context for the alliance system, i.e. the German occupancy of French territory. This leads nicely in to your description of the assassination, however your writing does paint quite a negative picture of Princip. Why did he assassinate the archduke? It would have been good to see some information on the other factors, such as militarism and imperialism. Overall, top effort (H).
